mardi 31 décembre 2013

leaving 2013 behind

Going back on 2013, packing the memories, all the photos, the good people we met, the bad things we witnessed, getting ready for 2014, stronger, happier, lighter, ready to face all the difficulties we may encounter, ready not to give up even though entrepreneurship in some modern western democracy is such a challenge! In 2014 I am only asking for simplicity and easiness, Mr President :-) if you could look into that, that would be much appreciated! for the rest I handle it, it is pretty easygoing!
So this said, for 2014, I wish you a great wonderful year! Rich of everything we learned, let's be more efficient, watching and photographing and most of all living happy and respectful !!!!!
Bonne année

lundi 23 décembre 2013


I had the chance to discover Mortagne au Perche. I often go back and walk in the region, looking after sunset, or mushrooms in the forest, architecture and landscape. I always loved to describe the city or the country with no human being. I love the idea of deserts in western democracies, where you can feel loneliness a lot anyway.
Mortagne views

Mortagne views

Mortagne views

Mortagne views

Mortagne views

jeudi 19 décembre 2013

Family Portrait

I had the chance to meet Olf's family and to have them as neighbors and friends a few years  multicutural multi-languages, travelers, they settled a bit in france, and now they went up north to Sweden. I could take a few portraits this past years, miss you guys.

2012 family portrait. versailles

2013 Family portrait, leaving versailles

jeudi 12 décembre 2013

Dancers in the park

Florence and Emilie are two dancers, hip hop, contemporary, and classical dancers we went walking dancing in the park..
Florence & Emilie, dancers

Florence & Emilie, dancers

Florence & Emilie, dancers

Florence & Emilie, dancers

Florence & Emilie, dancers

jeudi 24 octobre 2013

Palais des ....

Congrés, ce n'est pas le palais des milles et une nuits, mais c'est beau. L'architecture des architectes des années 70 qui imaginaient le futur.

mardi 15 octobre 2013


Portraits Edouard de Hennezel, Alteus Conseil,
et Olivia Bommart.
Portraits à usages professionnels.